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2. GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library. Starting with CardOS API V3.2. n/a. Symbolic link to Page 2. Overview. The CardOS API product family offers powerful integration software ... CardOS API is available for all common oper ating systems. CardOS.... Tera1. Tera2. ID-One Cosmo v5.2 72K. CAC (GSC-IS). ActivClient v2.6.1 applet. ActivIdentity 3.2.0 and higher ... 144K DI v3.2. CAC (PIV. Endpoint) ... Tera2. Atos CardOS. CardOS. CardOS API 4.1.0 and higher. 4.1.0 and higher. Note 3. Tera2.. Siemens CardOS API V3.2. 3. Predchdzajcou akciou djde k otvoreniu tabuky Sahovanie boru (File. Download). V danej tabuke kliknite na monos.... Klientsk softvr si stiahnite kliknutm na: Siemens CardOS API V3.2, tento sbor je vo formte ZIP archvu. Pred intalciou je potrebn ho rozbali. Tento archv.... Standard cryptographic interface for using applications with CardOS smart cards. CardOS API V3.2. CardOS API is an integration software for the use of CardOS.


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